Preferred Opiate Addiction Treatment Center in Memphis, Tennessee

Delta Specialty Hospital helps individuals struggling with a mental health disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Memphis, TN, Delta is the preferred provider of mental health treatment.

Learn More About Opiate Addiction Treatment

Learn more about opiate addiction treatment at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

Opioids are very effective at relieving pain and are among the most commonly prescribed analgesics. Opioid narcotic analgesics work by decreasing the strength of the pain signals reaching the brain and help to control emotions related to the experience of pain. Given that the majority of opioids (excepting heroin) are legal, require a prescription, and are federally regulated, most people don’t understand that they can be addictive. Yet people who take these medications experience a sense of euphoria as well as the reduction of pain.  As these medications also affect emotions, individuals may notice numbing of negative mood states. Thus, addictions can start without an individual being aware there is a problem.

Perhaps they take an extra dose due to increased stress “just this one time.” Noticing that when they attempt to revert to their original dose, it no longer has the same effects, they may find themselves increasing doses, as they’ve developed tolerance to the narcotics. At first, they may be able to convince their prescribing physician to increase their dose based on self-reporting of their pain. However, at some point, the physician realizes that something is not right and the individual may be refused further prescriptions. This can be harrowing for someone addicted to opioids. They may become frantic, doing anything possible to obtain more of the drug, including stealing prescriptions from friends and family. If unable to come by legal opioids, they may take to the streets to buy an illegal opioid like heroin.

You may be familiar with this experience if you are fighting an opioid addiction. Opioid addiction is a particularly tough addiction to handle, as it can sneak up on you. Others may recognize you are taking extra medication before you do, which can lead to strained – and lost – relationships. The sudden lack of social support and shame associated with this situation can result in a further increase in opioid use to cope with distress.

You may feel alone and confused as to how you could have become addicted to a prescription opioid. You may feel you have a defect or flaw that has turned you into a weak individual. You may be experiencing negative judgments from loved ones who simply don’t understand. You don’t have to suffer alone. At Delta, we are here to help you regain control of your life. We offer unconditional support and the best scientifically proven treatments for substance abuse disorders available. Our medical units provide additional resources should you be experiencing physical problems as well.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for opiate addiction at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

When first considering inpatient treatment for opioid addiction, you may feel hesitant or anxious. Perhaps you worry others will learn of your problems and that you’ll never live down the stigma of inpatient addiction treatment. At Delta, we know that inpatient treatment for addictions is the most effective option for someone initially embarking on the road to recovery, finding the courage to commit to giving up the drug. We also understand the fears and hesitations many people feel about inpatient treatment. Any health information related to you and your treatment will be held strictly confidential unless you provide us with written permission to disclose it. This includes friends and family members. Our trained staff is familiar with common concerns and can discuss these with you to help you learn how best to handle them. Inpatient treatment is frequently short-term, and when you transition to outpatient treatment you can often begin reintegrating back into your life. We are committed to helping and supporting you every step of the way.

Our Philosophy

Delta Specialty Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

Our goal is to be seen as a beacon of light for the entire community. Our hospital includes comprehensive care for adults with all kinds of behavioral health needs, psychological difficulties, substance abuse problems, and medical conditions. The ability to receive care for medical and psychological problems under the same roof is a major benefit, as it allows us to treat the whole person. We serve as a source of education and information for friends and family members of our patients, as well as the community at large. We welcome contact with anyone with questions or concerns, those who feel in need of evaluation, or those who need help with a behavioral health or substance abuse concern.

Types of Treatment

Types of opiate addiction treatment offered at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

We understand that different individuals have different needs for recovery. Based on the findings of your evaluation, your treatment team will work with you to develop a treatment plan for your recovery. Our treatment options include:

Medical detoxification– This service is intended for individuals who are in active withdrawal or in danger of experiencing withdrawal symptoms. We are a certified Suboxone treatment center, which may be an option for those addicted to opioids.  Your treatment team will discuss medication-related detox options.

Medication evaluation and monitoring – Recommendations for medication to help you cope with some of your symptoms may be made. If medications are utilized in your treatment, you will be monitored frequently to make sure that they are serving their intended purpose.

Family therapy – We understand the importance of social support in your recovery. We encourage the participation of family members and significant others in your treatment process. We hold mediated sessions to provide information about your illness and treatment to your loved ones. We’ll help to heal any rifts that may have occurred as a result of your substance use problem. as well as working on ways the entire family can support each other.

Group Therapy – Our primary treatment modality at Delta is group therapy. Psychoeducational groups are provided to present information on topics that are relevant to group members’ needs and interests. Skills-building sessions are held to provide you with techniques to maintain your sobriety once you’ve returned home.  Additionally, we hold process groups to work through specific issues and share your successes with others who have first-hand knowledge of what you are experiencing.

Individual Therapy – While we don’t provide individual therapy as part of the regular schedule, our staff makes time to be available for one-on-one interactions. These therapy sessions are available to help you with issues that may arise between groups.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT techniques are used within our various treatment modalities to aid you in identifying thoughts that are contributing to your negative emotions and problematic behavioral responses. We’ll help you to alter these maladaptive thoughts and problem behaviors.

Dual-Diagnosis – We are proud to offer services specifically designed for those with a substance abuse problem and co-occurring psychological problem in our dual-diagnosis unit.

Additional services that may be available to further aid you in your recovery efforts include:

  • Daily therapeutic activities
  • Nutrition and wellness counseling
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Recreational activities

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for opiate addiction

At Delta, we understand the courage required to take the first step of enrolling in treatment care. We also know that once you develop confidence in a rehab center, the thought of moving to a different treatment option can cause anxiety. That is why we provide two outpatient options to help you continue your progress. Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is similar in intensity to the inpatient treatment, although you sleep at home. PHP meets Monday through Friday, for 20 hours a week. Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides more intensive services than traditional outpatient therapy. IOP holds sessions 3 times a week, for 12 hours per week.

I was very addicted to opiates and went to Delta Specialty Hospital for treatment and they helped me recover. I am now celebrating 2 years of sobriety.

– Former Patient
Trusted Excellence
  • Memphis Chamber of Commerce
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • Professional Network on Aging
  • Tennessee Hospital Association
  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval