Preferred Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Center in Memphis, Tennessee

Delta Specialty Hospital helps individuals struggling with a mental health disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Memphis, TN, Delta is the preferred provider of mental health treatment.

Learn More About Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Learn more about prescription drug addiction treatment at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

Prescription medications are federally regulated substances that can be used legally when prescribed by a licensed physician. When taken as intended, most prescription medications have a low risk for addiction. Some assume that since they are regulated and legal, the drugs prescribed by a physician cannot be addictive or harmful. This is far from the case, as many prescription medications have psychoactive properties.

While some understand that prescription medications can be addictive, they may also assume rates of abuse are extremely low. However, the reality is that among those in the U.S. above the age of 13, prescription medications are the most commonly abused substances after marijuana. When taken without a prescription, at a higher dose than prescribed, or in a manner that increases the absorption into the body, these drugs can become dangerous and even deadly.

The most commonly abused types of drugs fall into three categories:

Painkillers: These medications often contain opioid narcotics which, in addition to decreasing pain, produce a sense of euphoria. The most frequently abused drugs in this class include Vicodin, Oxycodone, OxyContin, and Percocet.

Depressants: These are often prescribed for insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks.  Included in this category are Xanax, Ativan, Clonazepam, and Valium.

Stimulants: Generally, these drugs are used for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, and some may be used for intractable depression in older adults.  These include Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin.

When prescription drug abuse is caught early, intervention can help prevent it from becoming a serious addiction. Whether you have just realized you may have a problem with prescription drugs, or you have already developed an addiction that has overtaken your life, at Delta, we have trained and compassionate staff who can help you take control of your life.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for prescription drug addiction at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

Whether you are borrowing a friend’s painkiller for a muscle pulled at the gym or taking extra pills to feel the rush, using a prescription drug prescribed for someone else or in a manner not intended can have hazardous consequences. If you’re using someone else’s medication, a physician hasn’t examined you to determine whether that medication is the right one at the right dose for you. Medications do not cause the same effects for everyone. Just because a medication treats problems for your friend doesn’t mean it will have similar effects for you. It’s also possible that the medication can do you harm.

Despite the dangers, many individuals experience no noticeable harmful effects and become addicted to prescription medication. It’s not unusual for individuals who begin abusing prescription medication to reach a point in which no physician will continue to prescribe the medication. This is particularly dangerous as many turn to the streets to find an illicit drug that offers similar effects.

At Delta, we know how hard breaking the cycle of prescription drug abuse can be. This problem can lead to major distress in every facet of your life. We are uniquely positioned to help you cope with the interacting complications you are struggling with. Our inpatient rehab center is specifically designed for those with substance abuse problems. We offer you the ideal setting to begin your journey to sobriety and to reclaiming everything you’ve lost.

Our Philosophy

Delta Specialty Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

Our goal at Delta is to restore a sense of hope in every individual who comes to us for help. While addressing the presenting problems is at the forefront of our evaluation and intervention process, we believe we cannot successfully aid you in building the life of which you dream unless we treat you as a whole and unique individual. We will not begin any intervention effort until we have gotten to know you as a person. Our primary asset is that our behavioral health unit and medical units are integrated so that we are able to deliver the services to care for all the needs of each person who comes to us. We consider ourselves a beacon of light for the community, available to you whenever you need us.

Types of Treatment

Types of prescription drug addiction treatment offered at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

At Delta, we take great pride in the successes we have observed in our addiction treatment care. We provide only tmost-up-to-dateate, scientifically-supported treatment modalities for your rehab stay. We are a Suboxone certified center. Your treatment team will discuss possible medical interventions with you to determine if they are appropriate approaches for your specific needs. These may include:

Detoxification clinic: Our detox services are intended for those in active withdrawal or in danger of experiencing active withdrawal symptoms, with the goal of moving next into the addiction treatment program. We will safely and effectively detoxify you from all drugs in your body so you are best able to participate in our addiction recovery program.

Medication evaluation and management: We may recommend medications to help you with either short-term symptoms or long-term problems which we monitor during your stay with us. We are aware that individuals who become addicted to prescription medications often have a medical condition, or develop one due to the effects of the substance. Should this be the case, we will call in the proper consults to evaluate you and incorporate any recommendations into your treatment plan.

Family therapy: We believe in the importance of the support of significant others during your rehab process. We don’t believe that you can be 100% successful in beating prescription drug addiction without the support of others. Yet family cohesiveness often suffers in the face of a substance abuse problem. We encourage the participation of family and friends to help repair any schisms, and provide education and information about your condition, treatment, and plans for discharge. We will also discuss methods all family members can employ to support one another.

Group therapy: The primary treatment modality we use at Delta is group-based. We use psycho-education groups to provide information on common topics and to teach skills you can use to maintain your sobriety. We also hold process groups in which you can share your struggles and successes with peers who are experiencing similar problems.

Individual therapy: While we don’t offer regularly scheduled individual sessions, our staff is available to work with you one-on-one when a particular issue comes to light. We can focus upon distress or difficulties you aren’t ready to share in a group setting.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): We use CBT techniques in our intervention efforts, to help you discover the power your thoughts have over the way you feel and act.

Dual-diagnosis: We also have a treatment option that uses these interventions combined with others to help those individuals experiencing both a substance use problem and a psychiatric disorder, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma-related disorders.

Additional services may be available including:

  • Daily therapeutic activities
  • Nutrition and wellness counseling
  • Recreational therapy
  • Spiritual guidance

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for prescription drug addiction

At Delta, we are aware that the approach of discharge can be an anxiety-provoking time.  You may be worried about your ability to maintain your sobriety or re-entering your life and the need to address the consequences of your addiction. Our staff are aware of these normal concerns and will work with you on relapse prevention strategies until you feel ready to leave. Additionally, we strongly believe in providing you with continuity of care and offer two structured outpatient options you may consider participating in after discharge.

Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is a full-day treatment option, providing a minimum of 20 hours of services, 5 days a week. Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a lower level of care meeting 3 days a week and offering a minimum of 12 hours of services a week. In both treatment options, additional services or hours may be recommended based on each individual’s treatment plan.

My addiction to prescription drugs was very out of hand before going to Delta Specialty Hospital. I am so grateful to all of the staff that has helped me through my recovery.

– Former Patient
Trusted Excellence
  • Memphis Chamber of Commerce
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • Professional Network on Aging
  • Tennessee Hospital Association
  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval