Preferred Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Center in Memphis, Tennessee

Delta Specialty Hospital helps individuals struggling with a mental health disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Memphis, TN, Delta is the preferred provider of mental health treatment.

Learn More About Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

Learn more about oxycodone addiction treatment at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

Despite the benefits involved when taking oxycodone and oxycodone-based medications to alleviate pain, these substances are extremely habit-forming and can cause a person to become dependent on them if they are misused. For those who are prescribed oxycodone, adhering to a doctor’s recommendations is of the utmost importance in order to avoid developing a problem with this medication.

There are those, however, who consume more oxycodone more often than advised and find that they are unable to function without consuming this medication. The same issue also holds true for those who misuse oxycodone with the intent of achieving a mind- and mood-altering high. Once an addiction to oxycodone forms, being able to resist abusing this medication can seem impossible. Furthermore, the withdrawal symptoms that manifest in the absence of this painkiller can keep a person in a continuous pattern of oxycodone abuse that appears inescapable. However, when a person is ready to leave the abuse of this painkiller in the past, help is available. With proper treatment, a person can successfully defeat an oxycodone addiction and begin living a healthier, substance-free lifestyle.

Proper rehab and treatment are necessary for individuals who are addicted to oxycodone to be able to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. At Delta Specialty Hospital, we understand addiction and we are ready to help you get your life back on track.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for oxycodone addiction at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

Oxycodone and oxycodone-based medications have the ability to ravage every area of a person’s life if an addiction to these types of substances is present. The risk of overdose is a constant when an individual’s life is consumed by this substance, and the potential for severe organ damage is great. Additionally, it is quite possible for a person to experience the exacerbation or sudden onset of certain mental disorders, which could make defeating this sort of chemical dependency problem even rifer with challenges.

Yet another unfortunate effect of oxycodone abuse that many tend to overlook is the damage that can be done to a person’s career, relationships, and ability to live independently. An oxycodone addiction can cost an individual his or her career if he or she misses work or reports to work while under the influence. Meaningful connections with others, including friends and family members, could become tarnished if the abuse of this painkiller remains ongoing. And if oxycodone abuse remains a focal point in a person’s life, being able to take care of one’s self can become impossible. If, however, an individual wishes to break free from the misuse of oxycodone, effective addiction treatment services can be of great help in becoming sober once and for all.

At Delta, we offer state-of-the-art behavioral health treatment inside our renowned medical hospital. This combination of mental health treatment and medical care has proved beneficial for many men and women just like you who are struggling with addiction and medical problems at the same time. Our expertly trained staff is well-equipped to help each person who comes to us hoping to beat an addiction by providing comforting, around-the-clock care. At Delta, you will know that you have come to the right place to finally overcome your oxycodone addiction once and for all.

Our Philosophy

Delta Specialty Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

At Delta, we strive to be a beacon of light in our community by offering the most effective and up-to-date treatments available in the comfort of our dual behavioral health center and medical hospital. We work hard to instill hope in those who may feel as though things are hopeless, as we refocus their behaviors and teach proper coping skills. We pride ourselves on providing a full spectrum of mental health care for those who need it when they need it most. At Delta, you are more than a collection of symptoms or a disorder to be treated, you are a whole person who deserves to be treated with dignity and respect as you begin the recovery process.

Types of Treatment

Types of oxycodone addiction treatment offered at Delta Specialty Hospital in Memphis, TN

When you come to us, you will undergo a complete medical and psychiatric examination to help us to determine how dependent upon oxycodone your body has become. We will also identify any co-occurring disorders and medical conditions you may be struggling with as well. This information will help us to work alongside you to develop a treatment plan that works to address all of your needs.

If you are physically dependent on oxycodone, it is likely that the first step in your rehab program will involve our medically managed detox program. As we know that detox can be quite a frightening prospect, we will do our best to explain everything we do before it happens so that there are no surprises. In our detox program, you will safely and effectively be detoxed from oxycodone and any other substances that you may have in your system. When you are medically stabilized, you will move into the next phase of your rehab.

Medication may be used at the beginning of your stay with us to help control the effects of withdrawal or to manage symptoms of a co-occurring disorder. Many people find that once they develop more effective coping mechanisms, they will be able to taper down the amount of medication they use. Other people who are struggling with co-occurring disorders may need longer-term therapeutic management. The usage of medication will be decided by your treatment team.

Individual therapy will be used in instances in which group therapy does not appropriately address your needs. You will work on problem-solving strategies for the challenges that you are facing in your life in a private environment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that helps individuals with substance use concerns effectively challenge their negative patterns of thinking and replace them with more positive ways of viewing the world. This can help those who feel helpless to see things as they really are.

Group therapy is the primary therapeutic approach at Delta, as we have discovered that the best way of helping individuals recover from oxycodone addiction is to allow them to work together to work through difficult emotions and struggles. We offer both process-based and psychoeducational groups to help you process emotions surrounding your addiction and learn more about relapse prevention, coping skills, and triggers for using.

We aim to provide you and your loved ones with the opportunity to work together to discover ways in which addiction has impacted each member of your family. We will hold family sessions to educate your loved ones about your illness, recovery, and how best to support you during your healing process. We will also provide connections to community resources such as A.A and N.A.

In addition to traditional therapeutic treatments, we also offer a number of experiential treatments to best allow us to help heal the whole you – mind, body, and spirit. These may include:

  • Recreational programs
  • Therapeutic activities
  • Nutritional counseling and wellness
  • Spiritual counseling

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for oxycodone addiction

As your discharge nears, you will work together with your treatment team to determine the next steps in your recovery process. We understand that discharge from our inpatient rehab can be a scary time for you, which is why we are proud to offer a number of options for your continued care.

If you feel as though you are not ready to leave the structure of an inpatient setting, we can help find you a residential program to continue your healing. We also offer two step-down options for you. Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) have proved to be a beneficial step-down from our inpatient treatment. If you feel you are ready to discharge into a stable home environment, we can provide you with appropriate referrals to outpatient therapy services and community resources.

Delta’s Oxycodone program was incredible and the best that I’ve been. I am so glad to have gone through their recovery program.

– Former Patient
Trusted Excellence
  • Memphis Chamber of Commerce
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • Professional Network on Aging
  • Tennessee Hospital Association
  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval