Preferred Percocet Detox Center in Memphis, Tennessee

Delta Specialty Hospital helps individuals struggling with a mental health disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Memphis, TN, Delta is the preferred provider of mental health treatment.

The Importance of Detox

The importance of detox from Percocet

Percocet is a powerful and effective pain reliever that has alleviated pain for numerous men and women who were unable to function on a day-to-day basis because of the discomfort they once endured. What makes this medication so effective is also what makes it so addictive, which is why many doctors provide warnings to patients who are going to be taking it. Failing to take Percocet as directed by one’s doctor places a person at risk for developing an addiction to it; an addiction that can be exceptionally challenging to overcome on one’s own.

If you were given a prescription for Percocet but are now noticing that you can’t go about your day without consuming this medication, then you may have become dependent on it. Additionally, if you experience certain uncomfortable physical and psychological effects when not taking Percocet, it also means that your body has become accustomed to the presence of Percocet. Lastly, if your experience with this painkiller involves both of these scenarios, and if you have been abusing Percocet as a means of simply getting high, then you may also benefit from receiving professional treatment to leave the abuse of this painkiller in the past.

When it comes time to seek services to defeat an addiction to Percocet, it is imperative that you consider care that offers detoxification services. Also referred to as detox, this type of treatment can clear your system of Percocet and other harmful substances of abuse and give you the clarity of mind needed to make great strides in your recovery. Once detox is complete, and since you won’t be saddled with incessant cravings for more Percocet, you can delve into the reasons why you began abusing Percocet and form the skills needed to live a drug-free lifestyle.

Benefits of Detox

The benefits of detox from Percocet

Individuals who attempt to stop abusing Percocet without professional help are often destined to remain ensnared in the vicious cycle of substance abuse. In fact, once withdrawal symptoms set in, some people not only begin abusing Percocet in dangerously large amounts, but they also frequently develop a more severe addiction to this painkiller. However, by partaking in a program that offers detox at the start of treatment, the following benefits can take place and make a person’s treatment experience far more successful:

  • You’ll no longer have access to Percocet or other substances of abuse, which can help you avoid relapse.
  • You’ll work closely with dedicated professionals who are available 24/7 to make sure that your physical and emotional health are preserved.
  • If your withdrawal symptoms are more than you can bear, these same professionals can administer certain medications that can alleviate your discomfort. Rest assured, however, as any and all medications given to you while in detox are both closely supervised and non-habit-forming.
  • You can effortlessly make the transition into the next phase of treatment once your time in detox is complete. By going straight from detox to therapeutic services, you can form the confidence, skills, and commitment that is needed to remain drug-free for a lifetime.
  • You’ll no longer be at risk for the damage done by the continued abuse of Percocet.

As stated, those who don’t receive detox services are at risk for a variety of unpleasant consequences that can alter the course of their lives forever. Withdrawal symptoms are very powerful and all-consuming and can cause a person to binge on Percocet in an attempt to diminish withdrawal as quickly as possible. When this sort of circumstance happens, an individual is at risk of not only developing an even more severe addiction to this drug, but also experiencing an overdose that could be fatal if immediate medical care is not sought. And while these outcomes seem grim, the option to receive treatment that includes detox remains a constant. Comprehensive care that features detox can set the stage for long-lasting sobriety. Those who receive this sort of treatment can acquire the clarity of mind needed to make the changes required to live a healthier, drug-free lifestyle once and for all.

To begin a new life that is no longer controlled by Percocet, look to Delta Specialty Hospital for the services that can change your life for the better. Our detox services not only offer the medical care you need during the initial phase of your recovery process, but they also provide support from caring and expertly trained professionals who want nothing more than to help you reach and exceed your treatment goals. Therefore, if you would like to break free from the grips of Percocet addiction, we at Delta are waiting for you and look forward to helping you achieve the life you both desire and deserve.

After going through the Delta Specialty Hospital detox program, I am no longer abusing or dependent on Percocet. I am so grateful to all of the staff that helped me.

– Former Patient
Trusted Excellence
  • Memphis Chamber of Commerce
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • Professional Network on Aging
  • Tennessee Hospital Association
  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval