Preferred Meth Detox Center in Memphis, Tennessee

Delta Specialty Hospital helps individuals struggling with a mental health disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Memphis, TN, Delta is the preferred provider of mental health treatment.

The Importance of Detox

The importance of detox from meth

Methamphetamine is one of the most potent substances of abuse that exists today. When ingested, this substance, which is also commonly known as meth, can bring about intense feelings of detachment from one’s surroundings and profound feelings of relaxation that are extremely enticing to substance users of all ages. Even after just one use of this drug, a person can become addicted to it, which can then lead to a potentially lethal cycle of substance abuse that can seem impossible to escape.

If you have been abusing meth and are realizing that the effects of using this drug are causing a great deal of adversity within your life, know that you have options available to you. Especially if you have developed a tolerance to meth and now require more of it in order to experience the high you are after, or if you are embattled with uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when not under the influence of this substance, seeking treatment can save your life from methamphetamine addiction.

Treatment centers all across the country supply effective care that can assist you in becoming sober, though some offer services that can truly help you in breaking free from the grips of chemical dependency.

Programs that supply detoxification services, or detox, are among those that can allow you to live a life that is no longer governed by meth. Within these particular programs, you will be given the interventions you need to take on other important aspects of your recovery so that a drug-free life can be just around the corner.

Benefits of Detox

The benefits of detox from meth

Unlike programs that don’t offer detox services, those that do can provide you with several benefits. By accessing services that include detox as the preliminary step of your care, you can experience the following advantages:

  • The risks, both physical and psychological, that are associated with ongoing meth abuse can be drastically decreased as programs that offer detox don’t permit the use and abuse of meth and other drugs onsite.
  • The professionals providing your treatment will do all that they can to ensure that your first steps towards recovery are as safe as possible. When withdrawal symptoms emerge, these individuals will also try to make you as comfortable as they can, and they will guide you as you continue making strides towards becoming sober.
  • The possibility of relapse is diminished since you will not be able to continue using this drug and because you will be encouraged to stick to your recovery initiatives for the duration of your care.
  • If the withdrawal symptoms that you are experiencing are too intense for you to handle, you may have the opportunity to be given certain medications to alleviate your discomfort. As opposed to enduring withdrawal outside the confines of a treatment center, you will be given safe and effective medications that will not compromise your recovery goals.
  • You will have access to the knowledge and expertise of highly trained staff who are ready, willing, and able to monitor the status of your health and support you during this beginning stage of your recovery journey. Medical doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses are among the professionals who can supply your care and intervene should you experience some sort of medical emergency during withdrawal.

Given these advantages, it is to your benefit that you partake in detox services as part of a comprehensive treatment program to overcome an addiction to methamphetamine.

There are, however, many individuals who do not participate in programming that is proven to help people achieve sobriety. When services that do not include detox are accessed, the potential for relapse increases exponentially. Therefore, if you would like to leave the abuse of meth in the past, your best bet is to receive comprehensive care that include detox so that you can become sober and live the life that you deserve.

At Delta Specialty Hospital, we want nothing more than to help you reach your recovery goals. In choosing to come to our center, you will have access to our medical staff, mental health professionals, and a team of addiction specialists who know what it takes to overcome meth addiction.

Therefore, if you are ready to make a positive life change and overcome an addiction to methamphetamine, look no further than Delta. Here, you can develop the confidence and acquire the skills you need to live a life free from the abuse of meth.

The Delta Specialty Hospital staff here did an amazing job helping me understand and overcome many of the underlying causes to my meth addiction. They are always so genuinely supportive and caring.

– Former Patient
Trusted Excellence
  • Memphis Chamber of Commerce
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • Professional Network on Aging
  • Tennessee Hospital Association
  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval